The Secret: Dont Be A Sucker
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A sucker pin is a flagstick that is positioned perilously close to a bunker, a water hazard, out of bounds, a steep drop-off, or any area of extremely heavy rough. Pins cut in the spurs of greens or on the ledge of a two-tiered green are also sucker pins. If you have a fade or slice, then any pin on the left side of a green is a sucker. The opposite is true if you draw the ball - the sucker position is any pin cut near the right edge of the green.
Going for these pins is foolish because if you miss them by a little, you can put yourself into major trouble. The risk far outweighs the reward. Make note of the sucker pins on your home course, and when you come to one, give it a wide berth. Sometimes that may even mean laying up short, of the green, but you shouldn't be ashamed to do it. Ben Hogan, the most accurate ball-striker of his time, was famous for such strategy.
Tomato suckers, or side shoots, are small shoots that grow from the point between a branch and the main stem of the plant (also called the axil). If left unattended, they will eventually grow into branches that produce leaves and fruit, resulting in a bushy tomato plant.
Generally, removing suckers is only advised for indeterminate tomato plants that continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the season. Determinate tomatoes grow to a predetermined height and produce all their fruits at once. In this case, removing the suckers will ruin your harvest more than it will help it.
Do you know that sucking is a life skill your child began in the womb When just a tiny infant, the child continued sucking. Sucking, whether the baby sucks on a thumb or pacifier, is natural. A baby can become a thumb or pacifier sucker during the first few months. Sucking becomes a way for the baby to calm down. It also becomes a way to help the baby to fall asleep. It can be a way for the baby to just feel good.
Then, once you establish a reputation as a sucker fly fisher man or woman, everyone forgets that you only occasionally catch suckers and really do land a trout or redfish more frequently than you catch suckers. But most fishermen do that, so you become that sucker fisherman.
Octopuses have problem-solving abilities similar to those observed in corvids (the group of birds that includes crows, ravens, and jays), parrots, and primates. But the way these eight-armed enigmas process information is completely different. Unlike humans and other vertebrates, which centralize mental processing in the brain, octopuses and other cephalopods use neurons throughout their suckers, arms, and brain to understand their world.
As a tomato grows, side shoots, or suckers, form in the crotches, or axils, between the leaves and the main stem. If left alone, these suckers will grow just like the main stem, producing flowers and fruit.
I have read that you should be cutting sucker branches from tomato plants. I found out that after cutting them off, I was able to root them in water. It only took three days to see a root form. Now I have that many more plants. Could any one tell the pros and cons of doing this
From my point of view we should let the plant grow wild We should not interrupt the self constructive idea of the plant The suckers help the plant to resist against wind and rain drops and even helps to increase the photosynthesis process of the plant
This time it sure looks like it's over: the heroes have been captured by the Big Bad, who is gloating and enumerating the ways he's going to kill them. But wait! Someone (or something) suddenly shows up, a defector reveals himself or the heroes put their plan into action, giving them the chance they need to escape and leaving the foe staring at them as they run off while delivering a final taunt: \"So long, sucker!\"
Most of us live in social worlds that are profoundly unequal, where small elites have vastly more power and wealth than everyone else. Very few of the have-nots find this congenial. As experimental economists have shown, we tend to enter social situations prepared to take a chance and cooperate in collective activities. But if others take more than their share, we resent being played for a sucker. We live in unequal worlds, and few of us are unaware of, or indifferent to, that fact.
This culminates in the scene of Babydoll's lobotomy. When Babydoll is stabbed in the eye, so is the viewer. The male gaze is penetrated, our happy ending denied, our ignorance regarding the sexualization of women destroyed. We think we're getting a sexy, fun escapist fantasy, and instead, the ending of the film hits us like, well, a sucker punch. 1e1e36bf2d
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