Pma Entrance Exam Reviewer Pdf 40l
For example, NIV is likely to correct the mechanism leading to hypercapnia through increasing alveolar ventilation, by augmenting tidal volume while reducing respiratory rate, and reducing CO2 production by decreasing the work of breathing [22,23,24]. HFNC on the other hand may also increase tidal volume and reduce the inspiratory effort [6,7,8], although to a lesser extent than NIV [7], but may have additional physiological mechanisms [25].
For example, HFNC improves the lung mucociliary clearance [13,14,15], the washout of upper airway dead space [26,27,28,29], and generates a low level of positive airway pressure (PEEP effect) [16, 30,31,32], together with a decrease in inspiratory resistance and an increase in expiratory resistance [13, 33].